Lessons From Benjamin Carson

Reading Time: 3 minutes Benjamin Carson, whom I featured some three articles ago, remains one of my heroes. The African American neurosurgeon has achieved a number of firsts in his life. He was the first human being, for example, to successfully separate conjoined twins in 1987. He has since then successfully conducted a number of such operations including the

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‘The Chicken Is A fool’

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Reading Time: 3 minutes I get wakened up in the morning by the singing of birds that have built their nests in some cavities in the walls of the house. There are about two or three bird species living in the vicinity of the home. Living at Kongwe Mission in Dowa and later at Nkhoma mission, on the eastern

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Fare Thee Well Johnson, Welcome Soul Searching

Reading Time: 3 minutes Several articles ago, I extolled some black people that have made significant contributions to modern day civilisation through their innovations or outstanding abilities. Among them was an African American lady called Katherine Johnson who turned out to be a “human computer”, making the calculations that helped NASA propel man to the Moon and back to

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Surrounded, You Are Somebody

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Reading Time: 3 minutes History is replete with individuals who have achieved great things but, almost without exception, with the help of others. If anybody thinks they are so good that they will make great accomplishments on their own, they deceive themselves. A great Chichewa proverb goes, Tiwiri tiwiri n’tianthu, kalikokha n’kanyama (You are somebody when you are surrounded,

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Black Stars Shine Brightly Too

Reading Time: 3 minutes The month of February is set aside to remember the black people who have done remarkable things and have contributed to the well being of society. We often think that all the inventions that have been made, particularly in the world of technology, have been made by white people. That simply is not true. Take

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