Youthful enthusiasm needs to be tamed

Reading Time: 3 minutes Walking within Blantyre Mission grounds several years ago, I came across a team of boys playing. One after another they would take a sprint, step on a rectangular concrete block, launch themselves into the air and perform a forward somersault before landing on a cushion of cut grass conveniently placed on the other side of

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The folly of courting cheap prosperity

Reading Time: 3 minutes In my article of several years ago, about the lessons that we can learn from Ben Carson, I referred to a claim by a Zimbabwean prophet that candidates who chose anointed pens would pass examinations regardless of whether they studied or not. “Anointed” means of getting what people crave are becoming very popular these days.

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The folly of shunning cultural identity

Reading Time: 3 minutes A friend recently narrated to me what the MBC Band great, William Malikula, had shared with him. In the 1970s MBC Band was invited to perform in Namibia along with bands from Rhodesia, South Africa, Botswana and Namibia itself. When they got there and started to practice, they said to each other, “koma sitichitako manyazi

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The pitfalls of oral tradition

Reading Time: 3 minutes A recent post on a forum that I belong to showed a maize garden in which the seedlings had withered as a result of application of herbicide. More likely than not, the garden owner did not follow the right instructions as he was applying the herbicide. The entire maize crop was damaged as a result.

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Blue collar workers develop economies

Reading Time: 3 minutes I recently bought an item from the technician that repairs our genset when it develops mechanical problems. He is amazingly good at diagnosing the problems and remedying them. I requested a receipt for the item I purchased from him then I discovered that he could barely write. He struggled to produce the receipt. A few

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Crazy worlds with crazy new years

Reading Time: 3 minutes It was common during the time that I went to school for schools to compete in a variety of sports events. In those days, track events used to be popular. It was possible to have long distance events on the pitch. The competitors would have to run around the pitch several times. Each round was

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