To trade in raw commodities is to be on shaky ground

a carpenter fixing a wooden table

Reading Time: 3 minutes What set England and eventually the entire British Isles apart from the rest of the countries in the world, turning them into a world power is the industrial revolution of the late eighteenth century and early nineteenth century. Several British entrepreneurs invested in new and innovative ways of making goods. The textile industry was one

To trade in raw commodities is to be on shaky ground Read More »

There are merits in trade by barter

seaport during golden hour

Reading Time: 3 minutes Recently there have been suggestions to the effect that Malawi should go into barter arrangements to procure fuel, in light of the forex challenges the country is facing. Presumably quantities of agricultural or mineral products will be assembled with aim of finding an oil exporter who would be willing to get them in exchange for

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We have strangled the goose that would have laid the golden egg

photo of an industrial factory emitting smoke

Reading Time: 3 minutes When I worked for Blantyre Print and Packaging in the 1980s, Lever Brothers (now Unilever) was our major client. We used to supply surf and vim cartons, Lifebouy and Sunlight wrappers and a whole host of other wrappers to their busy factory in Limbe. Besides soap products, Lever Brothers used to manufacture cooking oils (Covo

We have strangled the goose that would have laid the golden egg Read More »

We should start discussing ideas

four women and one man sitting near table inside room

Reading Time: 3 minutes In one of my recent articles, I stated that between a radio program discussing politics and another discussing production, the former would be inundated with callers while the latter would hardly have a caller. This would be so because what passes as a discussion of politics in Malawi is basically a discussion of people. The

We should start discussing ideas Read More »

Faire thee well Frank Soko

Reading Time: 3 minutes The world is moving in the direction of electric vehicles which will replace those that run on fossil fuel. Fossil fuels are an environmental hazard because they are from organic matter that lived millions of years ago and has over the ages, through heat and compression, been converted to the form in which it is

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Importing for consumption – part 3

silver and black coffee cups

Reading Time: 3 minutes Production appears to be an alien undertaking in Malawi, and yet we need it for our economy to tick. Yes, we must reduce imports as explained in my last article but we must at the same time embrace secondary production so that we enhance our capacity to generate forex. At the very least, production will

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Importing for consumption – part 2

green cargo boat beside dock

Reading Time: 3 minutes While we have upwards of 18 million consumers in Malawi, you can count Malawian producers on your fingers, with some fingers left over. By production is meant value addition here. It is hardly surprising, therefore, that we have a consumers’ association but not a producers’ association, as I pointed out in my last article. It

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