Parties must consider a proposed new order

Reading Time: 3 minutes The rivalry between political parties often reaches fever pitch, with each one fiercely vying for the ultimate prize: governing power. Desperate to secure the mandate to lead, parties will go to great lengths and often find themselves engaging in all manner of untoward pursuits. Governance seems to be a highly profitable venture. The intense, cutthroat

Parties must consider a proposed new order Read More »

Wrong names used for places

Reading Time: 3 minutes The area west of Chileka Road, extending from Mwaiwathu Private Hospital to the fence marking the boundary between the mission and G4 Security Company is home to many significant institutions. These include the Blantyre Synod Head Office, the historic St. Michael & All Angels Church, the Henry Henderson Institute (HHI) Primary School, the Phoenix Nursery and

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Glitches in the fee paying parking system at Chichiri Mall

Reading Time: 3 minutes Getting into the Chichiri Shopping Mall is a refreshing experience these days, thanks to the restricted entry to the premises made possible by the recent installation of a fee paying parking system. In days gone by, securing a parking space at the mall proved to be a formidable challenge, as unrestricted access permitted anyone and

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An economy is as good as its people

Reading Time: 3 minutes This nation confronts numerous challenges, leaving many people bereft of hope regarding their standard of living. Some have dubbed it “Bagamoyo”, alluding to a notorious slave trading centre from the previous century, where captives from this country were transported and sold to eager purchasers. Unlike its neighbours, Malawi has not been endowed with precious minerals,

An economy is as good as its people Read More »

There is value in going back to basics

Reading Time: 3 minutes A few years ago, an individual stated in one of the WhatsApp forums to which I was affiliated that it was retrogressive for the Road Traffic Directorate to require trainee drivers to get tested in manual transmission vehicles. His contention rested upon the premise that assessing individuals with manual vehicles proved futile for those destined

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What a marvel it will be!

Reading Time: 3 minutes Tucked away in the serene environs of the Shire Valley is a project of gigantic proportions. It takes a physical visit to the facility to appreciate the vastness of the Shire Valley Transformation Programme. Those who just hear about it through the media or other secondary sources think it is comparable in scale to the

What a marvel it will be! Read More »

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