Milk and honey require effort

Reading Time: 3 minutes When an extraordinary son of a carpenter from Nazareth called his followers two thousand years ago, he did not promise them the Moon. His message was very simple: “I will make you fishers of men”. In one case he even issued the warning that “foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of

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What A Zoo That Would Be!

Reading Time: 3 minutes A young British man, born to Jamaican parents, moved from Watford Football Club to the famed Liverpool Team in 1986. His name was John Barnes. He was the first black player for Liverpool. As it turned out, Anfield did not give him the friendliest of welcomes. He was harassed at every opportunity because of the

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Our ethnicity should be ceremonial only

Reading Time: 3 minutes Visiting the genocide memorial centre in Kigali, Rwanda, is as sobering as it is harrowing and debilitating. The centre graphically chronicles the genesis, the execution and the aftermath of what is perhaps the bloodiest holocaust in modern times, with such succinctness that the patrons are left wondering how human beings can act so hideously against

Our ethnicity should be ceremonial only Read More »

The complexities of a solar year

Reading Time: 3 minutes Tomorrow is New Year’s Day, marking the beginning of a fresh year. Come midnight tonight, we shall kiss goodbye to 2023 and forever consign it to history. There will be ululations, noise making, fire cracking and all manner of audible celebrations to mark the passing of one year and the beginning of another. What is

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Mary’s boy child, our Emmanuel

Reading Time: 3 minutes Tomorrow is this year’s Christmas Day. It is a day on which adherents to the Christian faith all over the world commemorate the birth of a very special individual: Jesus of Nazareth. Quoting Isaiah 7:14, the Gospel writer, Matthew, mentions that Mary’s son would be called Emmanuel. He says in Matthew 1: 22 – 23,

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We need serious soul searching

Reading Time: 3 minutes When we talk about corruption and other vices that bedevil our nation, we just think in terms of the civil service. It is like the public officers are really dirty and everybody else is clean. The media, especially, cannot be partakers in corruption or other acts of lawlessness, it is generally believed. Nothing can be

We need serious soul searching Read More »

A near-ugly clash of classes

Reading Time: 3 minutes At a recent burial ceremony of a senior pastor, unexpected drama erupted. As the director of programs was busy calling out names of people to lay their wreaths on the grave, another funeral procession arrived and got seated next to an open grave about 50 metres away from the site of the funeral that was

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